「次期大統領」と言えば “the next president (of the United States)” がパッと思い浮かぶと思います。
です。”elect” は「投票で選ぶ、選出する」という動詞の意味がありますが、この場合の “elect” は形容詞で、
the person who has been voted to be president, prime minister, etc. but has not yet started work
(Cambridge Dictionary)
という意味、つまり就任前の「次期○○」を表します。”president-elect” のように名詞の後ろにくっつくのが特徴です。「次期副大統領」を表す場合も同じで ” vice president-elect” となります。
- President-elect Joe Biden
- President-elect Biden
- Vice President-elect Kamala Harris
- Vice President-elect Harris
のように “President” や “Vice” は大文字で書くのが決まりです。
“President-elect Joe Biden(次期大統領ジョー・バイデン)”
選挙結果がこのまま確定しても実際に大統領に就任するのは来年1月なので、それまでバイデン氏は “president-elect(次期大統領)” ということですね。
この “president-elect” という表現は早速いろんなところで目にします。
- The President-elect delivered his victory speech −NZ Hearald
- President-elect Joe Biden addressed a deeply divided nation Saturday night −CNN
- Joe Biden gets to work as president-elect while Trump refuses to concede −The Guardian
- President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala D. Harris called for unity −The Washington Post
- It is now my great honor to introduce the president-elect of the United States of America, Joe Biden
バイデン氏の当選が確実になったことを祝して世界のいろんな人がメッセージを寄せています。そこにも “president-elect” が登場しているので、いくつか紹介しましょう。
Congratulations President-elect @JoeBiden & @KamalaHarris on your victory in the US Presidential election. With so many issues facing the international community, your message of unity is one we share. New Zealand looks forward to working with you both! https://t.co/VTGRM4mHEK
— Jacinda Ardern (@jacindaardern) November 7, 2020
ジョージ・W・ブッシュ元大統領からも。字がめちゃめちゃ小さいですが、”I just talked to the President-elect of the United States, Joe Biden” と冒頭に書かれています↓
Statement by President George W. Bush: https://t.co/Bsbv8k1nho pic.twitter.com/O7CLtEvxk0
— George W. Bush Presidential Center (@TheBushCenter) November 8, 2020
オバマ前大統領のメッセージ(リンクの本文)にも “President-Elect Biden”、”Vice President-elect Harris” の文字が↓
Congratulations to my friends, @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris — our next President and Vice President of the United States. pic.twitter.com/febgqxUi1y
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) November 7, 2020
Congratulations to President-elect @JoeBiden & Vice President-Elect @KamalaHarris! My @WHO colleagues and I look forward to working with you and your teams. Crises like the #COVID19 pandemic show the importance of global solidarity in protecting lives and livelihoods. Together!
— Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (@DrTedros) November 8, 2020
Now it is my turn to extend congratulations to @JoeBiden & @KamalaHarris on being elected President & VP-elect. The values on which we have built our relationship could not be stronger. I look fwd to working together to further our friendship, & contributions to int’l society. https://t.co/xIvit7emjH
— 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen (@iingwen) November 8, 2020
“president-elect” は来年の正式就任までいろんなところで目にすると思うので、ぜひこの機会に覚えてしまいましょう!